Cancellation / Reschedule Policy

We understand things can change in an instant! However, We ask for 24-hour notice to cancel or reschedule photo shoots. Within the 24-hour window, a cancellation fee of $75 will be assessed. If we arrive at the property to find the shoot is cancelled (including denied access to the property or you are 30 mins past scheduled time) I’ll assume the shoot is canceled and 50% of the quoted amount will be assessed in addition to the $75 cancellation fee. I shoot properties as-is and on-time. I do not foresee any reason to assess fees if communication is open and current.

Rescheduling Due To Weather
Photo shoots will continue as scheduled as long as it is not physically raining. If rain or any precipitation is present, we will shoot the interior as the seller has probably put a lot of hard work into getting it ready for the scheduled shoot. I will then return for exterior photos at the earliest day possible when the weather cooperates. Option B is we will reschedule the entire shoot to the next best available day and time. (No reschedule fees will be assessed for inclement weather.)